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One Minute Cure

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Only Way To Cure Multiple Sclerosis by G. Joel Ullisperger

In 1868, the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot discovered the symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Back then MS was a very rare to find disease. Neither had it been mentioned in ancient literature. Accordingly, MS is a modern disease. As time passed by MS has been diagnosed more often and today it is next to epilepsy one of the fastest growing neurological diseases in the world.

Many triggers have been named as potential causes but none of them is the true trigger. Otherwise, they would have developed a medicine able to suppressing the symptoms completely and effectively already long ago. However, there is nothing in sight but hope and now it can be fulfilled.

Many people are surprised to learn that pharmaceuticals have primarily the function to suppress symptoms. They cannot heal because they lack the most important ability: Pharmaceuticals are unable to eliminate the root cause. Any medical doctor will agree with this if you ask them.

Medical science is far from offering something that cures MS. Thus, patients have been told since the discovery of MS that this illness could not be cured. All that is available are a lot of information like books on how to live with multiple sclerosis and how to arrange your life to make it somehow through the day if the symptoms get worse.

If we surf through the web and look at other sources, we find the same stereotype information again and again. You can read about signs and symptoms, get information about the changes in the human organism and especially in the brain, which are result of MS, and so on.

As potential triggers have been identified the genes; infectious agents; environmental toxins; organic solvents; food allergies; hormone imbalances; dietary fat. Other potential causes are Linoleic and Gamma-Linoleic acids, antioxidants, Vitamin D and B12 deficiency to mention only a few. Anyhow, science admits not to know the true trigger(s) at all why those mentioned above remain theory.

The patients find little help to improve their situation. All there is are drugs that alleviate the symptoms and make the situation a little bit more bearable. However, to live a bearable life is much too little if there is a possibility to live a normal life and you can live a normal healthy life again.

Unfortunately, people with MS have been told that there would be no cure and that they would have to arrange themselves with the disease and make it through the day when things get worse. That is easy to say for those who do not suffer from MS.

The saddest of all is:

There has been a cure since 1940 that successfully helped some 12,000 patients, i.e. they got free from their MS symptoms and almost nobody knows about it. The German physician Dr. Joseph Evers discovered the relationship between MS and nutrition.

He found out that as soon as people change their diet in a certain way their symptoms get better and totally disappear after some time. The modification of nutrition was the basis of his treatment. To complete it he "ordered" physical action as soon and as far as his patients were able to. His success was tremendous and easy to explain.

Remember, MS was first discovered in the second half of the 19th century. Around the same time, many other so-called civilization diseases occurred for the first time as well. Something else happened back then that changed the world completely: The industrial production of foods.

One consequence of it is that these products are processed to such a high degree (milling, heating, homogenizing, pasteurizing and more) that they lack most if not all of their nutritional value. They fill the stomach and keep you alive and that is pretty much it. In opposite, if we eat too much of this denatured food we get ill, some sooner some later but we surely do. The result is visible in any overfilled doctor's practice.

There is another problem with industrial manufactured foods. They need many additives to make them look nice and appealing and they have to have a long shelf life. To achieve this, the food industry has a huge selection of artificial additives like preservatives, homogenizers, colors, flavors and flavor enhancers. They accumulate to some 25,000 to 30,000 additives today.

In the meantime, the food industry acquired so much knowledge that they manufacture many completely artificial products. To my horror, I have to admit that some of them taste really good. They taste so well that one could eat tons of them. However, they undermine our health extremely and exhibit destructive impact. By the way, the craving for more is a result of additives as well.

Additives can be evaluated as harmful to the human organism. Our defense mechanism is designed to detect viruses, bacteria, simply natural things that could cause infections, inflammations and other problems. Most bacteria are harmless and many of them even essential. One example is intestinal bacteria, which are in charge of building vitamin B12. Billions of bacteria reside our colon. Our immune system knows them and remains quiet. However, if it detects harmful bacteria or viruses the immune system immediately gets active to eliminate the invaders.

This defense is stymied when we ingest artificial food additives. The same is the case with other substances like herbicides and pesticides. Although these substances are harmful, our organism is unable to identify them as harmful. The immune system remains inactive. A big portion of these artificial substances is not excreted and remains circulating in the body or gets stored for instance in fat depots. The consequences are neurodermatitis and ADHD to mention only two. Both are symptoms of the nervous system like multiple sclerosis.

Did anybody ever tell you that the artificial sweetener saccharin has been used in pig fattening? Do you want to know why? This substance stimulates the brain and the organism starts craving for food. Consequently, the pigs start eating like a horse and get faster fat to become ham and sausages.

This works the same in both, men and animals. Although foods containing artificial sweeteners have a little less calories and drinks, even "zero" they stimulate people to eat more and they gain weight instead of loosing it what they actually desire by consuming such products.

Since the food industry started to lavish men with their gifts, the health situation especially in the western world decreased dramatically. We have never had so many chronically ill people like today and this development will remain unbroken as long as people go on eating the way they do today.

However, there is still more than just the problem with industrially manufactured foods. Everything has to be fast including eating - the faster the better. Fast food restaurants spring like mushrooms. Every child knows in the meantime, how questionable fast food is. Regardless the objections of doctors, nutritionists and the WHO, the consumption of fast food booms. The more industrial processed foods and fast food we have been consuming the more the state of health has been decreasing and will be in future.

Further questionable and alarming is the little consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and salads. Many people do not even eat any of it. There exist so-called food deserts - areas where it is nearly or even completely impossible to buy any fresh produce at all.

There is another interesting factor to mention. At the beginning of the 20th century there were less than 2,000 medical symptoms known. Until today, this number multiplied more than 10-fold and exceeds 20,000 symptoms. MS is one of the many.

What I have been asking myself since I started to study nutrition is: What makes it so difficult to medical and nutritional experts to see clearly the correlation between the changing way of nutrition and the decreasing health of the world population? A sad aspect answers this question. Think about how many chronically ill people live in the world. They have to take medicine every day, many of them for the rest of their life. That means billions of Dollars of annual turnover and revenue.

Of course, thanks to pharmaceuticals many infections and inflammations lost their scare. If we suffer from such a disease, we can be glad to have antibiotics and other medicines to help us. However, to put people on high-priced drugs knowing a change in nutrition would do the very same without side effects is more than questionable. Many people say it is a crime towards humanity.

In addition, medical care has developed to a self-growing dinosaur that engulfs billions but the health condition did not get any better because of all the technical instruments and diagnostic methods. The opposite is true.

In contrast to high priced drugs and medical care, the improvement dietetic therapy is free of charge. You safe even money because you would eat less of the expensive foods offered nowadays.

Another question is what has been done so far to control and reduce this development? We have to take a closer look at medical science to answer this question.

The purpose of medical science is to isolate a trigger of a disease to be able to develop a medicine against it. If the symptoms disappear when the medicine has been administered it is effective. Conclusion: We have a symptom, a trigger and a concrete active agent that makes the symptom disappear. This is comprehensible and evident to anybody. The reverse of it sounds like this: No known trigger no medicine!

With dietetic therapy, it is different. If someone suffers from a certain disease and gets well after changing his nutrition nobody can tell what exactly caused the cure. Is it Vitamin C or D, is it nutrients in general, is it cauliflower or carrots, salad or apples? If it is carrots, it could be provitamin A or any other nutrient in it. Nobody knows because science has not been interested in investigating this at all.

Rosalind Kalb, an associate vice president of the MS society in the US, said in a NY Times article about studying the influence of nutrition on MS: “Thus far, no researcher has been interested in taking this on. The medications seemed to show more promise.” To whom?

Her colleague Patricia O’Looney, vice president for biomedical research at the Multiple Sclerosis Society, said in an interview: “We’d never suggest changing one’s diet in place of taking a therapy approved by the Food and Drug Administration." Why not?

To make the latter passages easier to understand let me put it this way. An orchestra consists of many musicians with different instruments. In order that the concert sounds good, all the instruments have to be tuned. If you would tune only one of them and leave the rest untuned it would sound horrible.

It is the same with the human body. Taking medicine means tuning one "instrument". In contrast, changing your nutrition means tuning and synchronizing the whole orchestra within you and to bring it back to harmony where all the instruments (organs and functions) play perfectly together.

If you change your nutrition and get well the cause is your improved nutrition and effect is the symptom/s disappear. That is all we should care for, whether medical science agrees to it or not.

A very important aspect of dietetic therapy is that, in contrast to medicines, it is free from negative side effects. As you eat, anyway it is also free of charge.

After all this theory let us step a little further and have a look at how you can improve your health by optimizing your nutrition. That is actually easy to answer. A very important requirement is to know what happens within your body and to synchronize your nutrition with these processes. Then it is necessary to understand some biological processes and their impact on them. Without this knowledge, dietetic efforts are futile because eventually most people tend to stop eating the way they need to improve their health. They just follow instructions. Who in the world likes to follow those without knowing why?

To explain all the necessary details blows the boundaries of an article. Therefore, I can only give you some advices that you can implement easily.

If you already want to do something right away here is some information you can start with.

===> Dairy - Avoid all kind of dairy.

===> Gluten - Avoid wheat, rye, barley, oats and all products containing them. There is more to it than just the gluten but if you do this, you already support your health and healing process.

===> Vegetables - Eat more vegetables. Avoid soybeans, other soy products and anything containing soy.

===> Fruits - Eat more fruits.

===> Refined sugar - eliminate it wherever possible. Natural, cold-centrifuged honey is the alternative.

===> Stop drinking anything with your meals. It dilutes the digestive juices, what makes the digestion more difficult. Drink either before you eat or wait an hour after your meal.

These few information is a good start. However, to get rid of MS symptoms by optimizing your nutrition there is a lot you can do, you must do and there is a lot you need to know about nutrition and how your body works in order to make your diet improvement effective and to relieve you from MS.

People get many chances in life. Some do not see them whereas others ignore them. Few seize the opportunity and change their life for the better. Everybody has this choice at any time. You know: When the student is ready, the teacher comes.

Managing Multiple Sclerosis Naturally: A Self-help Guide to Living with MS
Alternative Medicine and Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis: A Comprehensive Guide to Effective Treatment (The Natural Way Series)

1 Comentário:

Finlay Cedar said...

Been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2015, and I was a woman of 50. They put me on Rebif which I took until 2017 and was switched to Copaxone. I had two relapses on Rebif, none so far on Copaxone. I do notice my balance was getting worse, and my memory, as well as erectile dysfunction and spasms’ had no choice to sick for other solution and I was introduce to totalcureherbsfoundation c om which I purchase the MS herbal formula from the foundation, the herbal supplement has effectively get rid of my multiple sclerosis and reversed all symptoms. 

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